Watching your pennies can help you watch your diet. People are cutting back on spending now and the first things that should go are the things that aren’t good for you. Like junk food and fast food!

Restaurant meals can be cut too. They have huge portions. Much bigger than we need. And we’ve gotten so used to them we think they are normal. Start cooking at home and retrain your eye to tell what a real normal serving looks like. Cooking at home also allows you to have control over what goes into the meal. Decrease some (all?) of that salt and butter!

Serve simple foods: salads, fruits, vegetables, and whole grain bread. They are filling and don’t cost much. You also don’t need a lot of meat, which is both fattening and expensive and a piece of fruit is much better for you than a dessert.

While you’re at it, take a walk everyday with a friend. You’ll enjoy nature, fellowship, excercise and some great entertainment! For free!