Entertaining while in college or as a single is different then when you’re a couple. You can’t really buy a keg and serve chips and dip all the time. (Or you can, but you won’t want to!)
Sometimes though newlyweds get a little intimidated and don’t entertain because they don’t know what to serve. Here’s an easy menu you can tweak for any party:

Go to your local deli and get a decent grade of lunch meat and make your own platters – it’s much cheaper than buying them already prepared and doesn’t take much artistic ability to make them look pretty. Just get a little head of leaf lettuce to line the tray to make them look professional.  Homemade pasta salad is always cheaper than store bought as well.  Take bow ties or rotini’s and throw in tomato, green and red bell pepper, finely chopped red onion, mozzarella cheese cut in small chunks, and pepperoni. Throw on some Italian dressing.  It’s so easy and budget friendly.  Put out some chips, crackers and cheese, dips, pretzels, etc.  Buy buns or croissants for making the sandwiches – have mustards, mayo’s etc .available.  Brownies and cake are good dessert ideas as well.  Put mixed nuts, mints or chex mix in bowls for munchies.  A nice fruit platter or fruit salad is always a hit – if you do a platter make simple fruit dip using marshmallow and cream cheese.

This couldn’t be easier. Just print this, take it to the store and you’re ready to entertain!